Supporting your Arizona teen’s mental health journey
7 Tips for Improving Family Dynamics
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Are you a parent of an Arizona teen struggling with mental health issues or substance abuse? If so, this article is for you.
For most of us, family is central to who we are. Whether bound by blood or forged by love, family is who we turn to in times of joy or hardship. Familial relationships, however, are rarely straightforward and can be maddeningly complex. While the family unit typically provides unconditional love and a sense of belonging, it can also reawaken past hurts. This is often due to family dynamics, the complex patterns of interactions among family members. Family dynamics include unspoken rules, such as those that dictate whether and how family members can express emotions. For example, are feelings openly shared and validated? Or are they bottled up, only coming out through outbursts, sarcasm, or passive-aggression?
Healthy vs unhealthy family dynamics
Healthy family dynamics are characterized by open communication. In such families, members feel comfortable expressing themselves honestly (even when disagreeing) because they trust their feelings will be respected. Families with healthy dynamics have clear boundaries that provide a sense of safety and control. These boundaries can be physical (e.g., respecting personal space and belongings), emotional (e.g., allowing feelings to be expressed safely), or financial (e.g., encouraging fiscal responsibility instead of dependence).
Unlike healthy family dynamics, which allow identities to adapt and evolve, toxic family dynamics force individuals into rigid roles, such as a “golden child” who can do no wrong or a “scapegoat” who always takes the blame. Fixed roles prevent members from exploring who they are beyond such labels.
Unlike the honest and direct communication facilitated by healthy family dynamics, toxic family dynamics often promote manipulation for controlling others’ behaviors and emotions. Such tactics, which include guilt-tripping, emotional blackmail (e.g., “If you don’t do this, I’ll be so upset”), and threats, create a climate of fear and insecurity.
The importance of improving family dynamics
Though sometimes a source of strength, lifting us and fueling our growth, family dynamics can also perpetuate unhealthy patterns that prevent us from achieving our full potential.
Whether in Phoenix, Tempe, Mesa, or another region of Arizona, raising today’s teenage girls and boys is challenging. Parenting youth with mental health or substance abuse problems, however, is doubly difficult, which is why improving your family’s dynamics is especially critical if you face such struggles. Here are seven ways to do it:
Communicate openly
Some of the best conversations happen in the most ordinary moments. Whether over breakfast or during a camping trip, set aside moments where you and your teen can have heart-to-heart chats. Be approachable and tell your child that no conversation is off-limits.
Instead of pointing fingers and playing the blame game, try using “I” statements to express your feelings. Saying things like “I feel frustrated when…” or “I’m worried because…” keeps your comments focused on your own experience, which can facilitate less confrontational conversations.
Sometimes, it’s easier to express ourselves through texts or emails. So, if your teen prefers typing over talking, embrace their preference. Most important is that they feel comfortable reaching out to you.
The stigma surrounding mental health and substance addiction can make it difficult for teens to seek treatment. To overcome this obstacle, talk openly about these issues at home, emphasizing that it’s okay to ask for help. Make it clear that struggles with anxiety, depression, and substance use are as valid as any physical health concern.
Encourage your teenager to check in with you regularly—not only about how they’re managing school and other run-of-the-mill matters but also about how they’re feeling. This will normalize conversations about their inner world.
Educate yourself about mental health and substance addiction
Understanding your teen’s condition equips you to support them and reduces the stigma surrounding their mental health issues. Take the time to educate yourself about a range of common mental illnesses, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders, learning about the causes, symptoms, and available treatment options. By arming yourself with knowledge, you become a more effective advocate for your child.
The signs of mental health issues or substance addiction are sometimes subtle, especially in teens who are used to hiding their struggles, so it’s crucial to know what to watch for. Keep an eye out for behavior changes, mood swings, withdrawal from friends and family, sudden changes in academic performance, and physical symptoms like weight loss or gain. Trust your instincts—don’t hesitate to ask for help if something feels off. Remember, early intervention is critical to successful treatment.
Many communities offer resources that can provide additional support and education, such as parenting classes, workshops that discuss types of family dynamics, and community mental health centers.
Set clear boundaries
Boundaries foster structure and predictability—two essential aspects of parenting a teen struggling with mental health challenges. Establishing curfews and rules regarding acceptable behavior creates clear expectations for everyone. Make sure everyone in the family is on the same page and committed to upholding the boundaries you set. This might mean scheduling regular family meetings to discuss how things are going. Consistency is vital when it comes to enforcing rules. If enforced only occasionally, rules can create confusion or convey to your teen that you’re not serious.
Even when enforcing rules, however, be kind. Listen to your teen’s concerns, acknowledge their feelings, and let them know your actions come from a place of love and a desire to help. Use consequences to teach, not punish. Help your teen understand the impact of their choices, explaining why the rules matter. This approach encourages healthy decision-making.
Finally, be flexible: some rules may need revising as circumstances change. Regular reviews with your teen ensure that the boundaries you set still make sense.
Practice self-care
Parenting a struggling teen can feel like running a marathon with no finish line. It’s not only emotionally draining but also physically exhausting. It might be tempting to pour all your energy into helping your child, but neglecting your own needs leaves you feeling depleted and unable to offer support.
To prevent burnout, schedule time for activities that recharge your batteries, such as a heart-pumping workout, a nature walk, or mindfulness meditation. To keep your body and mind healthy, ensure that you get plenty of sleep, eat nutritious food, and exercise.
Make self-care nonnegotiable by granting it the same importance as you do doctor appointments or work meetings. By prioritizing your well-being, you signal to yourself (and your family) that your needs matter.
Bottling up your fears and frustrations can be exhausting. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a trusted friend or family member facing similar struggles for emotional support and encouragement.
Foster positive relationships outside the family
When deeply immersed in interactions, especially those emotionally charged by family dynamics, we can lose the ability to see situations objectively. Stepping outside of familiar patterns (even for a short time) can offer valuable new perspectives. The insights teens gain from others facing similar challenges can translate into healthier family dynamics. For example, finding support and understanding through peer groups can provide youth with the confidence and tools to communicate more effectively with their families.
Don’t give up
No journey is without bumps, and parenting teens with mental health or substance abuse issues is no exception. Don’t give up on your child’s recovery when things get difficult.
Because setbacks are inevitable, shift your focus toward what can be learned from each failure. Work together to analyze the situation and help your teen gain insights to avoid repeating the same mistakes.
Also, be sure to celebrate every step in the right direction. Did your teen open up to you about a tough day? Follow through on a therapy appointment? Even small victories deserve praise, which can encourage youth to keep going instead of throwing in the towel.
Get professional help
Helping a child with mental health or substance issues is incredibly hard. You should not have to do it alone. Seek an experienced therapist to guide you. Equipped with the knowledge and skills to tailor support to your teen’s specific needs, they can offer valuable insights, evidence-based interventions, and a safe space for your child to explore thoughts and feelings.
Teenagers need a place to be 100% honest without fear of judgment. Therapy provides that. It lets them open up about things they might feel uncomfortable sharing with anyone else, including you.
Also consider seeking therapy for yourself to help you cope with the stress and emotions that come with parenting a teen with mental health or substance abuse issues. Therapists can offer tailored guidance and techniques to help you cope with this stress and maintain your own mental health.
You don’t have to go it alone. Counseling can be a game changer, and finding the right therapist is a crucial first step in supporting your teen’s journey toward a better family life and a healthier, happier future.
Final thoughts
Remember, every positive shift you make not only benefits your struggling teen but also helps the rest of the family break free from unhealthy patterns. These patterns have likely been in place a long time, and changing them requires consistent effort. Don’t get discouraged if progress isn’t immediate.
Setbacks are inevitable, and old patterns are bound to resurface at times. Don’t consider these failures; view them as opportunities to refine your approach. Be open-minded and willing to experiment because there’s no single “right” way to create positive change. Instead, explore to determine which strategies work best for your family.